Watching a video of the Galactic-04 crew, weightless in the VSS Unity (Virgin Space Ship Unity), up in space at the apogee point, (goal of a suborbital flight before coming back down to Earth), just short of the 100-kilometers-height (known as the Karman Line), and there, a clear pattern could be seen: at some point, as the astronauts look out their windows at the unique views of the Earth (unlike any human can see from the ground), a specific gaze can be seen by all three astronauts, like they just spotted the most beautiful thing their eyes have ever seen, transfixed by the sight, mesmerized by the views.
Sometimes, you can even see the reflection of the Earth in their eyes.
They seem to be close to tearing up, but almost like they refuse to allow it, as if shedding a tear will blur their vision or that if they blink their eyes, the experience will be all over and behind them.
Ron Rosano, Trevor Beattie, and Namira Salim – the now new astronauts 017, 018 and 019 respectively – with Virgin Galactic, shared a beautiful moment together but alone at the same time. Alone with their views, their thoughts, and their obvious new-found perspective of what our precious planet is about.
That is the magic of spaceflight, and that is why space is awe-inspiring.
I talk of these three individuals/astronauts because they were the last crew to experience a suborbital spaceflight with their October 6 launch, but the same thing could have been seen with all past astronauts.
And today, a new crew was just announced: scientist Dr. Alan Stern, researcher Kellie Gerardi, who together combined, plan to conduct five scientific research experiments, as well as private astronaut of Franco-Italian nationality (one who purchased their ticket years ago and has been waiting for this moment for a long time!)

The image to the right is: GALACTIC 05 Mission patch design courtesy of Virgin Galactic
Suborbital flights are kind of like the edge of where Earth’s blanket ends and space begins; the very first steps to the “Next Frontier” which is a very, very vast and wondrous place.
Suborbital flights are not an orbit around the Earth, or going to cislunar, to the Moon or anywhere far in space, but it’s the beginning of space exploration for regular people – and those lucky few who have experienced it don’t come back the same. They experienced the Overview Effect!
That’s because space inspires like nothing else.
Dream big!
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